Trainings for Partners
Civil Rights training and food safety training are required for certain food program staff and volunteers. These trainings help the people in our communities have a safe and respectful experience across the hunger relief network.
Civil Rights Training
Who is this for?
- All agency partners and Kitchen Coalition distribution partners must have essential staff and volunteers complete the training annually.
How long will it take?
- About 35 minutes. The training video is about 30 minutes long and the required training verification form takes about five minutes to complete.
What is covered?
- Includes topics such as treatment of protected classes, accommodation for people with disabilities, requirements for language assistance and conflict resolution.
Food Safety Training & Certification
Who is this for?
- All agency partners and Kitchen Coalition distribution partners. There are different requirements for grocery distributions and programs that prepare food (meal programs).
How long will it take?
- Grocery programs and Kitchen Coalition distribution partners can expect to spend about one hour on the ServSafe training.
- Meal programs must complete the MN Certified Food Manager training and exam through Minnesota Department of Health (10 hours total).
What is covered?
- Includes receiving, handling, preparing and storing food in ways that prevent foodborne illness.