Person serving food

Kitchen Coalition Partners

Kitchen Coalition Partners

Kitchen Coalition is an initiative of Second Harvest Heartland, harnessing the power of the food bank to bring nutritious, prepared meals to communities facing the biggest meal gap. We know that not everyone facing hunger has the home, health or ability to use the groceries our food bank offers. So, we’ve built a network of local restaurants and caterers who turn food bank ingredients into nutritious, freshly prepared meals. Then, trusted nonprofits get those meals to neighbors on a predictable schedule.  


Complete required food safety and civil rights trainings.
A Variety of Bagged Salad mixes


View important tools, guides, and information
Person in cooking in kitchen

Need more info? Contact Kitchen Coalition

Our Kitchen Coalition team is here to support your programs. Please reach out for support with things such as:

  • Schedule changes
  • Meal feedback
  • Resources
  • Production or distribution logistics
  • Labeling
  • Safety and compliance