A person standing in a mail room

Fawsia Omar, Gift Processing and Donor Services Manager

Fawsia Omar, Second Harvest Heartland’s Gift Processing and Donor Services Manager, leads a team of Development Operations Coordinators who track and manage gifts, as well as communicates with Second Harvest Heartland’s donor base. “Our main role is to handle gift entries, but there’s more to it than that. We’re also the go-to people for our donors, whether they're calling to ask about a donation or to change how much they give. We're here to make sure every interaction is positive and supports our mission to fight hunger.”

An integral part of Second Harvest Heartland are “sustainers”—donors who have set up recurring donations. “We regularly assist donors with updates to their contributions, such as credit card expirations or adjustments in the donation amount. While our gift officers manage major donations, my team and I are the primary point of contact for all our supporters, ensuring every donor feels valued, whether they contribute regularly or occasionally.”

While Fawsia and her team are the first contact point for donors, they are also often fielding calls for Second Harvest Heartland’s other services. “We're the ones our donors talk to about current matching opportunities, and we handle lots of other questions too, says Fawsia. “If someone calls with an interest in CSFP we make sure they’re connected to the right resources. It’s all about making sure everyone gets the help they need.”

“We must be aware of all the things that are happening because we’re so visible.”

Fawsia and the Development Team are focused on providing a great experience for Second Harvest Heartland’s donors, as well as making sure that the organization stays on track as we seek to Make Hunger History. “Our aspirations are high, and with each donation, we inch closer to our goals. More money means more gifts being entered, which can mean more work for our team. But ultimately, the goal is to have as much revenue as we can to fund all our programs. It’s exciting.”