Minnesota State Capitol building

Hunger is a Policy Choice

Graphic for Hunger is a Policy Choice

Minnesotans visited food shelves more than 7.5 million times in 2023, and 2024 is on pace to break that record. Second Harvest Heartland launched a bold initiative called Make Hunger History, with a goal of cutting hunger in half by 2030 – but we know we cannot end hunger through charity alone. To end hunger, we need to address its root causes, which requires policymakers at every level to be at the table alongside neighbors, nonprofits, and the business community.

This November, Minnesotans experiencing food insecurity are counting on you to be a voter. Register, research the candidates in your area, talk to them about hunger in your community, and make sure to vote on or before November 5th.  

Learn About Hunger Relief Policies

Read more about state and federal policies that are crucial to reducing and preventing hunger.



Learn About the Candidates

Find out who will be on your ballot this year so you can find out where they stand on hunger relief.



Learn About How to Vote

Get all the information you need to know how, when, or where you can cast your ballot this fall.




Hunger Relief Policies

Policies that help reduce and prevent hunger can be developed and implemented at various levels of government. These policies include funding for food assistance programs, initiatives to reduce poverty, and support for health and nutrition programs. Hunger relief efforts can be multifaceted, involving collaboration between government, nonprofits, and the private sector. Visit our Policy Priorities page to explore our policy priorities in more detail.




Learn About the Candidates

We know hunger relief is a bipartisan issue, and supporters come from all political backgrounds. It’s important to know where candidates stand on policies that support hunger relief. To learn more about candidates, follow these steps:

  1. Research the candidates running for office in your area. You can find out who they are here.
  2. Learn their positions on hunger relief policies. Look for candidates who prioritize ending hunger.
  3. Consider attending candidate forums. You could also reach out to them directly to discuss hunger-related issues. 


A woman and two children sitting outside with a bag of groceries

Sign Up for Advocacy Updates

Show Your Support

Add your name to our list of hunger-relief advocates to stay updated on our current priorities and learn more about upcoming events, educational opportunities, grassroots activities, and other ways that you can support our work to end hunger together. 


Learn How to Vote

Voting is an easy way to use your voice to support hunger relief. The best resource for Minnesota voters is the Secretary of State’s website

When is Election Day?

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls are open from 7am-8pm.

How do I register to vote?

To register or update your registration, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website.

You can also register on Election Day - learn more here.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

In order to be eligible to vote in Minnesota, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day (16 & 17 year olds can pre-register)
  • A resident of Minnesota for 20 days

Can I vote before Election Day?

Yes, in Minnesota you can vote early starting on Friday, September 20.

You can vote early by mail - learn more here.

You can also vote early in person - learn more here.

Where do I vote on Election Day?

You can find your polling place by visiting this website.

What’s on my ballot?

You can view a sample ballot here.

How You Can Help End Hunger

Whether by advocating for hunger relief policies, volunteering your time, or making a donation to support our work, your involvement counts. If you want to help end hunger together, please explore the options below and join us in this effort in whatever way is comfortable for you. Together, we can ensure a future where no one in our state goes hungry and where every community can thrive. Don’t wait; take action today!


Join our advocacy list and make your voice heard.




Sign up to help pack food for neighbors in need.




Support our work to end hunger with a donation.